
your wardrobe without hassle
Send us your unneeded clothes and shoes and get paid instantly
How it works
Send us all items you would like to sell in a single bag. Use your own bag or request a reSWAPP bag. We provide you with a shipping label. Please make sure items are clean.
you send it
Our buyers sort through your wardrobe, and provide you with a report and the offer price for sellable items
we sort it
After you confirm the offer price for your bag, we pay you instantly. If you’re not happy with our offer — no problem, we will return your bag
you get the money
Your items find a second life and never end up on landfills: we will resell sellable items, and donate or recycle non-sellable items
we take care of the rest
my wardrobe
Nothing goes to waste with reSWAPP. We’re dedicated to making a positive impact on the planet. Your old wardrobe finds new life, not landfills.
Do the right thing
You receive your payment as soon as we process your bag — usually within 2-3 days after you send it. In case you’re not happy with our price offer — we will return your bag
Get paid instantly
Don't worry about sorting, photographing, and listing your items for sale. Don’t bargain with buyers for every item. Just pack everything in one bag, and we'll handle the rest.
Save time and hassle
Send us your pre-loved wardrobe items and earn money while helping
the planet
Want to know more
to know more
Your earnings depend on the market price of your item: the higher it is the higher percentage of proceeds you get. We carry costs of shipping, sorting, handling, and selling, as well as risk of non-selling (this happens often). Unfortunately, we can’t offer you payout for the items below 5 EUR: handling costs for such items exceed the proceeds we get. We will donate such items to charities.

Below is the payout percentage you get depending on the item market price:

  • 5-10 EUR — 20%
  • 10-20 EUR — 30%
  • 20-50 EUR - 40%
  • 50-100 EUR - 50%
  • 100+ EUR - 70%

We can’t sell and thus won't compensate for:
  • Items with significant wear and tear
  • Damaged items (tears, holes, missing parts, broken zippers, altered hems, missing labels)
  • Restricted categories (jewellery, underwear, intimates), and counterfeit items
  • Items lacking a size label (unless they fit all sizes)
  • Items lacking a brand label (unless it is easily identifiable brand and item is in a good sellable condition)
We will donate or recycle such items based on their condition.
How much can I earn?

Your earnings depend on the market price of your item: the higher it is the higher percentage of proceeds you get. We carry costs of shipping, sorting, handling, and selling, as well as risk of non-selling (this happens often). Unfortunately, we can’t offer you payout for the items below 5 EUR: handling costs for such items exceed the proceeds we get. We will donate such items to charities.

Below is the payout percentage you get depending on the item market price:

  • 5-10 EUR — 20%
  • 10-20 EUR — 30%
  • 20-50 EUR - 40%
  • 50-100 EUR - 50%
  • 100+ EUR - 70%

We can’t sell and thus won't compensate for:
  • Items with significant wear and tear
  • Damaged items (tears, holes, missing parts, broken zippers, altered hems, missing labels)
  • Restricted categories (jewellery, underwear, intimates), and counterfeit items
  • Items lacking a size label (unless they fit all sizes)
  • Items lacking a brand label (unless it is easily identifiable brand and item is in a good sellable condition)
We will donate or recycle such items based on their condition.
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